Can A Primal Chick Go (almost) Vegan?

What would happen if the only question you ever asked yourself was, does it make me feel alive?

I don't know about you but I can have such a hard time making decisions. I second guess myself, and run around in figurative circles in my own head. And these are not just big decisions, these are little decisions such as whether or not to eat that cookie. I enter in to my own world of checks and balances,  did I go for a walk? Get enough sleep? Did I eat a cupcake last week? And on and on. It's exhausting and research tells us that decision fatigue is a real thing. The more decisions we have to make the worse we get at making decisions. This research has far-reaching consequences when applied to social issues, but for me it tells me that it is time to streamline my life choices and take all the shoulds, and guilt out of my decision making process.

Now I need to be clear about something here. Your mom and my mom were both right. Empty calories are empty. No amount of wanting will change that fact. The amazing thing about the body is that it has an unfailing bs detector. It knows the difference between Cheetos and Celery. Our taste buds may be fooled but the body is not. 

So what does this have to do with going (almost) vegan, you might ask?


There is More
Wisdom in Your Body Than in Your
Deepest Philosophy.